How to create service requests
A service request is a place where you can inform the board and management of a request you would like to have fulfilled. This may take the form of a work order, maintenance request, architectural review, or just a general inquiry.
Leila Scola
Last Update 3 ปีที่แล้ว
All service requests have operators based on their subjects and they are chosen by your community managers.
You can watch our youtube video to check how to do it in our app or follow our step-by-step guide below.
Go to service requests in the left-hand menu, here you can view previous work orders and add new ones.
To add a new service request click on the green plus button.

Once you've done that, choose a subject, write a message with your issue, attach up to six pictures or files of the problem and then click on send.

To view an ongoing Request, click on View. You can always cancel the request, see previous messages by clicking on the operator's name, reply to the operator and print the request.

If the request is closed, you can reopen it by clicking on "Reply Request" or rate it by clicking on "Evaluate Attendance"

By clicking on "Evaluate Attendance", a window will appear, where you have to answer if the issue was solved or not and rate it from one to five stars. You can also include a brief comment about the service.

After rating it, just click on "Provide Feedback" and the evaluation will be saved.
Keep in mind that the request can no longer be reopened after you have rated it.
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