How to book amenities

Caue Emilio

Last Update hace 2 años

Check out our youtube video explaining how to book an amenity using your mobile app

Or watch the video below if you wish to use the portal:

Otherwise, you can follow our step-by-step tutorial:

1.) To reserve one of your community's amenities go to 'amenities' in the left-hand menu and then click on one of the amenities. 

You can view details by clicking on the eye icon, the camera to view any photos, if there's a deposit or cost it will include the price and the maximum number of people.

2.) Choose the amenity you're going to reserve, pick a date on the calendar. Again you can view the rules of the amenity by clicking on the eye icon.

3.) Once you've done that you can choose what time you'd like and then reserve it.

4.) The next screen gives you the option to create the guest list. If you choose to create one, give your event a name.

5.)Then, you can send your guests a link or you can add their names to a list. They'll be automatically added to your access release.

To download our residents manual, click here.

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