How to add and edit documents

This article shows you how to add and edit files and URLs and also has all extensions allowed by system files.

Leila Scola

Last Update לפני שנה

The Documents section of our website offers a flexible space to store a range of digital files securely. As an administrator, you can create folders that only allow access to certain roles. 

Before adding any documents, keep in mind that Neigbrs accepts the following document extensions: PDF, PNG, JPEG, DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS and XLSX. This restriction doesn't apply to URLs

You can watch our youtube video by clicking here or read the step-by-step below to learn how to upload documents on Neigbrs

To get started, select "Documents" on the left-hand menu. 

1.1) Once under the "Files" tab, hover over the green plus button on the top right of the screen to add a new file. Select the "New Folder", "New File" or "New URL" option from the dropdown list under the green plus button.

1.2) You can also hover an existing folder, file or URL to edit it.

2.) Insert the title of the folder, as well as the level of access. Public includes everyone with access to the community, and Manager/ Administrators allows just managers and administrators, for example.

This article explains each access level you have on Neigbrs.

3.) Once the folder is created, open it, by selecting on the folder title. When adding a file, you automatically add it to the current folder.

4.) Click on the green plus button on the top right of the screen and select the "Add File" option.

5.) You have two options, either select a specific file or report a specific link you would like the community to have access too. Each File is going to have some additional filter options for Document Type and Tag. If you choose to add a file, you can also create a public link for the file that you can share with people that don't have access to Neigbrs.File:


Web Link:

Click on the last option, the link symbol. 

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