How to invite residents
This article explains how to invite one, some or all residents in your community and also how to check if a resident accepted your invite and created their account
Caue Emilio
Last Update 2 年前
Once your account is populated with all the residents' contact information you can invite them to join the system.
To learn how to do it, watch our youtube video or follow our step-by-step tutorial below.
1.) Open the Absentee Owner/Residents tab within the Community Management section of the website.
2.) To invite a single contact, hover over the contact and select the "+" resident button at the right side of the row. Confirm the email address and send the invitation.

3.) To send bulk invitations, click on the 'Select All' option located in the title row, next to the Owners/resident column label.
By clicking on the check box followed by the invite button, a pop up will appear.

4.) You can click on the "Confirm" button to invite just the selected residents.
Otherwise, you can select the checkbox to invite all residents without an active account. By doing this, all residents with inactive accounts that have an email registered in the system will receive an invitation.

Note: Residents will receive an email in their inbox directing them to activate the account and create a password. Once active, their account will display a checkmark to replace the "+" sign on the right side of the contact.

There you have it! Hopefully, that helps!